Virgin Islands Port Authority

6 days ago1 min

HERA Terminal Baggage Carousel Repairs Should be Completed by Monday

Repairs to the domestic passenger check-in baggage carousel in the Henry E. Rohlsen Terminal are expected to be finished by Monday, July 15, 2024. According to Virgin Islands Port Authority Executive Director Carlton Dowe, the baggage carousel has been experiencing electrical glitches due to a malfunction with the belt’s programming. VIPA has hired an off-island technician to reprogram the belt, but the repairs were delayed due to the outdated parts of the 30-year-old baggage carousel. The technician is expected to return to St. Croix by Friday, and repairs should be completed this weekend or by Monday at the latest.

VIPA apologizes to the traveling public and thanks them for their patience as they work as quickly as possible to complete the repair of the belt.

